Free Bundle Magazine Submissions

Free Bundle Magazine is a science fiction and fantasy magazine that publishes short stories, articles and audio fiction. Issues are published bi-weekly and available for free on our website for over +16,000 monthly readers.

Submissions are open

Fiction Guidelines

Word Limit:
1,000-4,000 words, no exceptions (longer stories are considered, just don't go crazy with a 22,000 words manuscript).

Pay Rate:
Currently, we are operating under a link-exchange system: the author’s website and link are featured at the begining of the story in our magazine, along with a brief bio and any relevant information the author provided us, such as a link to a book or social media profile.

Besides being published by the Free Bundle Magazine, authors are also eligible to be featured in our monthly newsletters (+16000 readers total). Stories may also be featured in our podcast, Free Bundle Originals.

Science fiction, fantasy and horror (weird fiction and dark SF/F is permitted).

English only.

You retain all rights to the story. Free Bundle Magazine accepts simultaneous submissions, and we have no problem if the story appears elsewhere at the same time. We ask for the courtesy of letting the work remain on our page for at least three months so our readers have access to it first.

What we are NOT looking for:

Submissions Process

We ask that you include a cover letter with your submission, but there is no need to make your cover letter formal. You are writing to fellow writers! A simply short brief should do (we judge by the quality of the story, not by the word count of a cover letter)

All stories should be in standard manuscript format and can be submitted in either .RTF or .DOCX format. We accept simultaneous submissions.

Our average response time is usually under 15 days, but we occasionally hold submissions for longer periods. We ask that you:

If you are uncertain about anything above, we recommend following the most conservative interpretation.


An author’s personal information will not be shared with anyone outside our editorial staff, except in the following situations:

Submit your stories

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